Firma F.H.P. „MALPAK” realizuje projekty finansowane z Funduszy Europejskich

Implementation of the innovative Open Energy Box solution

in F.H.P. „MAL-PAK” Leszek Mul

We are proud to announce that our company had the honor of participating in the Target-X grant project, the aim of which was to develop and implement the innovative Open Energy Box device. The project, carried out in cooperation with technological partners, lasted 7 months and ended with the full implementation of the devices in our production hall.

The Open Energy Box device is a modern and open technological solution that allows:

  • Precise measurement of electricity consumed by production machines,
  • Monitoring key parameters of the power grid,
  • Analysis of energy costs in real time,
  • Calculation of the amount of CO2 emitted, related to production.

Benefits of implementing the Target-X project

Thanks to the implementation of the Open Energy Box device, our company gained unprecedented insight into energy consumption data at the level of individual machines. Such detailed information allowed us to:

  • Identify the most energy-intensive processes in our production,
  • Learn the actual costs of electricity per unit of production,
  • Obtain data on the environmental impact of production, including the carbon footprint of our products.

Significance for the development of the company

The acquired data constitute the foundation for the introduction of key changes in production processes, which aim to:

  • Optimize energy consumption, which directly translates into lower production costs,
  • Reduce CO2 emissions, which supports our strategy of operating in accordance with the principles of sustainable development,
  • Increase energy efficiency, which enables better resource management and increases the company’s competitiveness on the market.

The first step towards sustainable development

The implementation of the Target-X project is an important stage for F.H.P. „MAL-PAK” in the transformation of the company towards modern and responsible production. Thanks to the implementation of the Open Energy Box device, we not only obtained a practical tool for energy analysis and management, but also took the first steps in achieving the goals of sustainable development, which are becoming increasingly important in the global industry.

The future with Open Energy Box

Our experience gained during the Target-X project allows us to look to the future with optimism. We plan to:

  • Use the collected data to implement further pro-ecological solutions,
  • Develop our production processes to make them even more energy efficient,
  • Inspire other companies to take action for the environment, showing that saving energy and caring for the planet go hand in hand with business development.

We would like to thank all partners and the team for their involvement in the project. We are proud to be part of this change! F.H.P. „MAL-PAK” Leszek Mul – Together for a better future!

„Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie”

Operacja pn. „Zakup bobiniarki z funkcją perforacji służącej do produkcji specjalistycznej folii spożywczej przez F.H.P. „MAL-PAK” Leszek Mul mająca na celu wsparcie rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa poprzez zakup bobiniarki z funkcją perforacji służącej do produkcji specjalistycznej folii spożywczej przez F.H.P. „MAL-PAK” Leszek Mul współfinansowana jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach poddziałania „Wsparcie na wdrażanie operacji w ramach strategii rozwoju lokalnego kierowanego przez społeczność” Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020. Operacja realizowana w ramach strategii rozwoju lokalnego kierowanego przez społeczność wdrażanej przez Stowarzyszenie Lokalna Grupa Działania „Dolina Drwęcy”.